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dc.contributor.authorOtero Gómez, María Cristina-
dc.contributor.authorGiraldo Pérez, Wilson-
dc.contributor.authorGiraldo Pérez, Iván Darío-
dc.identifier.citationOtero Gómez María C.; Giraldo Pérez Wilson.; Giraldo Pérez Iván D. (2016) Communication determinants for the development of markets that target the young men of Villavicencio, Colombia. Revista Encuentros, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, Vol. 14-02, pp. 15- 24 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15665/re.v14i2.787es
dc.identifier.issn2216-135X Versión Web.-
dc.description.abstractThis research4 aims to identify communication factors that help in the development of markets for young people. To accomplish this, we use instrumental variables that closely relate to communication with young people from Villavicencio: direct marketing, promotion, sales, public relations, advertising and digital media. Using SPSS, we present data in two blocks. The first corresponds to the analysis of all the young people in the city while the second makes a comparison between young people from low socio-economic level with those in medium to high levels..es
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Autónoma del Caribe.es
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma del Caribe.es
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 14 No. 02. Julio / Diciembre de 2016 • P. 15 -24;-
dc.titleCommunication determinants for the development of markets that target the young men of Villavicencio, Colombia /es
dc.title.alternativeElementos de la comunicación que ayudan al desarrollo de mercados juveniles en Villavicencio, Colombia /es
dc.title.alternativeFatores de comunicação que promovem o desenvolvimento de mercados entre os jovens de Villavicencio /es
Aparece en las colecciones: Encuentros

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